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Benefits of Birds Nest in Pregnancy 
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benefits of birds nest in pregnancy
Benefits of Birds Nest in Pregnancy 
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H ealth is a blessing, which many of us do not care when we are enjoying its benefits. The time when it is snatched away, we lament on its loss. It’s better that instead of being sorrowful after you get ill, maintain your health when you have it.

Maintaining yourself healthy becomes easier when you make it a lifestyle. Having a healthy lifestyle habit makes you not only physically healthy but emotionally as well. There are some simple ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle, a simple change in lifestyle bring immense positive changes into your physical and mental health.

1. Drink Plenty Water

Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Consumption of water flush bacteria from your bladder. It aids digestion process and prevents the body from constipation. It keeps the skin and joints healthy and normalize the blood pressure.

2. Exercise

The human body needs movement to stay active. It keeps the body and muscles in shape. Daily 30 minutes of walk maintain your weight, keep you safe from diseases like diabetes, heart stroke and joint issues.

3. Healthy Food

Our eating habit directly affects our body health. Poor eating habits leads to poor health. The intake of vegetables, pulses, fruits, sea food, poultry food, red meat helps body to be disease free if combines with exercise. The food with less carbohydrates and calories helps to build in strength of our body.

Chewing food is also an important element for the consumption of food, the more we grind the food with our teeth before taking in, the more easily it digests.

Healthy lifestyle habit requires little hard work and dedication to our own self. But you will see, it’ll work as wonders by keeping you healthy and happy.

4. Avoiding Alcoholic Drinks and Cigarettes

Alcoholic drinks and cigarettes reduce our body immunity to fight with bad bacteria. They directly affect our lungs and other vital organs of the body. Staying away from them increase the life span of body organs.

5. Avoid Mental Stress

Stress exhausts the person mentally and physically. It is the major cause behind every disease. It eats the health of the person like the lice that sucks the blood from the body. Try as much possible to avoid stress as you can. Rather than stressing yourself, think of solutions to get a way out of the stressful condition. Also try meditation and yoga exercises to relieve stress.

6. Hygiene

Cleanliness is a must part of the healthy lifestyle habit. Develop the habit of taking bath in the morning. If possible, take shower from cold water rather than hot. Cold water stimulates the current in the veins of your body and let your senses get active all of a sudden.

Cleanliness is a must part of the healthy lifestyle habit. Develop the habit of taking bath in the morning. If possible, take shower from cold water rather than hot. Cold water stimulates the current in the veins of your body and let your senses get active all of a sudden.

Brush at least twice a day, specially before going to bed at night. Good hygienic habits lead to good health.

7. Sound Sleep

Sleep at least 6-8 hours, it’ll help your body to recover the body from all day mental and physical fatigue.

Healthy Lifestyle Habit
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