Golden Birds Nest values you with OEM type production service; it’s a genuine pro for all the consumers of the brand as it’s for the genuine benefit of customers. We use fine, original and hand based processes like your nana to resist the chemical preservatives and bleach cleanings. We harvest the birds’ nest and refine it through efficient and effective procedures that make our final output desirable and suitable for the health of our customers. Quality is assured from our brand as our customers prove it with pure hearty and satisfactory smiles on their faces and never leave their companionship with us.
Contact us for OEM Quotation

Contact us

We happily export to Singapore, Australia, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Japan and more and it’s all for you, write us a form for OEM quotation and our staff will be right there for your assistance.


    We’re humble to express our gratitude towards our local and international client’s continuous support. Golden Bird's Nest is now open for OEM services to clients across the globe.

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